Looking to go paperless
Switching from Paper can be Simple.
It’s not easy building a sucessful DOT physical practice. Using paper-based forms makes it even harder. Ready to make things easier on yourself? We’ve made the DOT physical process simple.

Simply the easiest way to complete a DOT Physical Exam
Simple to Submit Results
Copying data from paper forms to submit an exam in the National Registry and local government websites is a tedious, and error-prone process. We’ve made it simple. Submit completed exams to both federal and state governing agencies with the click of a button. For states with portals, we guide you through the submission process.
No New Tech Necessary
You don’t need to buy a new device or download any program. Use your smartphone, tablet, or computer to access Simple Physical from anywhere with an internet connection. Your driver exam records are securely stored on our HIPAA-compliant server, so you don’t have to worry about losing them or where to file them.
Automate Your Intake
Drivers can easily complete their intake information prior to their appointment or before being taken back to the exam room. Our software ensures the form is complete and identifies any medical history concerns.
No More Hand Cramps
Completing paper forms can be slow and monotonous. Th Simple Physical interface is easy to use. With a few clicks, you can review the driver’s medical history, complete the physical, and submit the exam.
Only Helpful Reminders
Making an incorrect determination could unfairly limit driving privileges or, conversely, lead to unsafe roads. We’ve partnered with the subject matter experts, TeamCME, to ensure accurate qualification determinations every time.

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