Examiner Macros 1: Health Hx Review

Driver Health History Review:

Review and discuss pertinent driver answers and any available medical records. Comment on the driver’s responses to the “health history” questions that may affect the driver’s safe operation of a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). e.g. "Health history does not impact the drivers ability to operate a CMV", "Driver is/is not compliant with treatment of ____", "Significant TBI events"...
Examiner Macros 2: Other Testing

Other testing if indicated:

e.g. "Failed UA warrants further testing", "Spirometry result: pass/fail", "A1C score shows uncontrolled/controlled result"...
Examiner Macros 3: Physical Exam Review

Physical Examination Review:

Discuss any abnormal answers in detail in the space below and indicate whether it would affect the driver’s ability to operate a CMV. e.g. "The driver is safe/unsafe to operate a CMV", "The rest of the exam is unremarkable", "SPE test is warranted", "Significant impairment(s)"...
Examiner Macros 4: Does Not Meet Standards

Does not meet standards (specify reason):

e.g. "Vision standards", "Hearing standards", "Seizure history", "Substance use", "Disqualifying medication", "Refuses compliance"...
Examiner Macros 5: Meets Standards with Periodic Monitoring

Meets standards, but periodic monitoring required (specify reason):

e.g. "Hypertension", "NIDDM", "Medications", "OSA treatment"...
Examiner Macros 6: Determination Pending

Determination pending (specify reason):

e.g. "Vision evaluation", "SPE result", "Medications", "Clearance required"...
Examiner Macros 7: Incomplete Exam

Incomplete examination (specify reason):

e.g. "Driver refused"...

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