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1. Create an Account: Choosing this option will create a driver account on submit your health history form. Simply click the yellow button below and use your own device to scan the code and complete the form. You will then have an ongoing record of exam due dates, relevant clearance letters and guidance for staying certified. (recommended)

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Blood Pressure

What is considered High Blood Pressure?

A blood pressure reading above 139/89 is classified as hypertension and should be treated. An individual who has a blood pressure below 139/89 but is taking blood pressure medication, is still considered to have hypertension.  

Hypertension is broken down into three stages:

Stage Systolic Diastolic
1 140 90
2 160 100
3 180 110

If you are taking blood pressure medication or have made changes to your regimen, please notify your examiner.


If you are currently treating diabetes it is expected that you provide the following:

  • current medications
  • most recent A1C score or blood glucose level

If you use insulin, FMCSA requires that the Insulin-Treated Diabetes Mellitus Assessment Form (MCSA-5870) be completed by your treating clinician prior to your DOT medical exam. As part of this form, you will need to provide your treating clinician with the previous 3 months of blood glucose self-monitoring records. Also, your DOT physical must be completed within 45 days of having the insulin form completed.


What do you need to pass?

Drivers must pass either the whisper test or an audiometric test in only one ear. For the whisper test, the examiner stands to the side of you, 5 feet away, and says something to you with a “forced” whisper. If you can repeat it, you pass.

The audiometric test is most commonly performed in a hearing booth. To pass, at least one ear must have less than 40dB of hearing loss. 

What if you don’t pass?

You can still be certified for up to 2 years, but you can only drive if you have been granted the Federal Hearing Exemption. This allows even drivers who are completely deaf to drive. 

Can I use an assistive hearing device?

Yes. FMCSA permits the use of any type of assistive device, including cochlear implants, as long as the device does not interfere with safe driving. The driver must use the device at all times while driving. If the device uses batteries, the driver must carry spare batteries.

Sleep Apnea

Who should be tested for sleep apnea?

  • Overweight, BMI above 33
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Loud Snoring

Why should I get treated for sleep apnea?

The short answer is because you don’t want to die young. Untreated sleep apnea causes high blood pressure and heart diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. The lack of oxygen you’re getting while “sleeping” causes increased daytime sleepiness and decreases your ability to think clearly and process information. 

How do I get tested?

There are two types of testing, in-lab polysomnography and home sleep testing. Some insurance companies require polysomnography while others do not. The lab places multiple leads on your body (much like an EKG).

Home sleep tests are done in the comfort of your own bed or in the cab or your truck and basically consist of a device worn on the wrist and a pulse-reading device over your finger.  In addition, these tests are nearly 97% as sensitive as the in-lab test. Also, you can receive the results in as little as 48 hours.

How much does it cost?

The self-pay cost for in-lab testing ranges from $1500 to $4000 while the home sleep test costs as little as $169. 


What is the current vision standard?

FMCSA requires drivers to have at least 20/40 vision and 70 degrees of peripheral vision in each eye, with or without corrective lenses. When a driver uses contacts, they must carry with them a pair of glasses.

If you only meet the vision standard in one eye, you can still be certified. 

Prior to being certified,  you must have an eye specialist complete the Vision Evaluation Report (MCSA-5871), and bring the completed form with you at the time of the exam. The DOT physical must be completed within 45 days of seeing the eye specialist. 

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